Most men complain their whole lives about being controlled by women (or at least not being able to understand them). So, to all you dudes complaining about women, pay attention and I’ll give you some pointers on what roles the females in your life should play and what you gotta do about keeping women in check.
The Wife
When it comes to your wife, the way you keep her in check is making sure she doesn’t know what goes on in your work. There are several reasons why you don’t want her to know all your little secrets. First, if you married the woman, she is probably the love of your life and mother of your kids, so the last thing you want to do is strain your relationship by letting her know about all your peccadilloes that might cause her to lose respect for you. Secondly, when it comes to competitors, the best way to get at your rival or enemy is to go after their woman. If you keep your wife out of your business life, you are keeping her from being leverage against you. You need to explain to her that there will be times you can’t tell her where you’ve been and what you’ve been doing. If she understands the reasoning behind it, she won’t bust your balls every time you come home late. She’ll understand her role and yours, and everything will go smoothly. And if she doesn’t… well, then you’re not keeping women in check.
The Side Dish
When it comes to a mistress, make sure she understands the nature of your relationship up front so you don’t have to deal with unexpected drama later. Frankly, you shouldn’t have to explain it to her, she’s a side dish, plain and simple. This woman's place is not in your personal life. She doesn’t need to know anything about you, and the less she knows about you, the better. The moment she starts expecting more than dinner, dates and occasional gifts from you is the moment you gotta put her in her place or find a new broad, understood?
The Daughter
Daughters are their father’s pride and joy so long as they behave properly. If you try keeping women in check, especially daughters, and they don’t behave properly, they’ll become your worst nightmare. Teach them respect first and foremost. Keep your daughter in check by making sure she always shows proper respect where it’s due. If she doesn’t, you gotta take the time to be a father and put her in her place. Don’t be the fool that has a wild daughter he can’t control. Teach her modesty and strictly hold her to respectable behavior. You want her to be smart, talented and eventually wife material for the right guy.
Keeping women in check concerns all the women in your life -- read on for more women you should keep in line...
The Secretary
You’re secretary should be one of the most important people in your life, when she does her job right, she saves you headaches each and everyday. It’s your job to teach her how to act toward you, if you’re keeping women in check, especially your secretary, she needs to do what she’s told. That’s the bottom line, she doesn’t need to ask any particulars except what is necessary to complete the task. That’s it. Don’t allow yourself to lose this perspective. Don’t allow her to gradually wise up to you and your operation. The moment she asks for too much information, put her in her place. If she’s too much of the thinking type, get yourself a new secretary. You don’t need a thinker, you need an order taker.
Mothers are to be respected because of what they have sacrificed for you and also for their wisdom. Because you love your mother, you need to keep her out of your business just as you do your wife. Mothers are different, though they always seem to know what’s going on. She’s going to know more than you want her to (that's just her style), and you’ll never know the source. When she does offer you advice, listen up, because in reality, your mother is going to help keep you in check.
With or Without Them
Now you know what your relationships should be like, if you’ve got a mistress that is demanding too much of you, you’d better sit her down and tell her what’s what. If you’ve got a daughter that talks back or dresses and acts a little too racy, you need to make a change and stick to it. It’s always easier keeping women in check if you start out on the right track and never falter.
the audacious truth
This is some real cool insights, i second you bro