Good Day Peoples,
Hope the weekend was fruitful for every body. Here's a little something to get you all through the day and end it with a more positive note. I embrace all that I'm gonna share with ya'll.
Call it what you want, personal magnetism, charisma, chutzpah, or allure but it’s something every man wants and very few actually have, charm. Some think that you’re either born with it or you’re not. And while it’s true that some of us ooze the stuff without even having to try, for others it’s a quality that can be learned, so pay attention and I’ll tell you how.
I consider myself as always being a charming devil, you my readers know that. It goes back to my school days when I was a little crazy kid, and no matter how naughty I was, I could always count on my charm ability to make the adults smile, ruffle my hair and send me on my way. This is because even then I knew about the importance of charm.
In fact, charm is such a powerful tool that it is sought after by virtually everyone. Politicians, actors and businessmen have all craved it (and so have many others). This is because, once you’re equipped with a degree of charm, you’ll find that you can open doors that would otherwise remain closed.
So how do I get it, you ask? Here are seven tips to help you get started:
Remember and Use Peoples' Names
This lets people know they are important enough for you to have remembered them, and it makes them feel special. You might think it’s a very minor thing to do but, really, you’d be amazed at the number of people you can win over just by using their first name. But, be careful not to use it too much or you may come across like a used car salesman.
Project Confidence
The truly charming simply exude poise and grace, so keep in mind that the way others see you often says more than the words you utter. First impressions are paramount, and if you want to be taken seriously, you must have good posture. Unlike the fairy tales you read or the bad movies you watch, hunchbacks and slouches never end up saving the day or getting the girl.
Be A Good Listener
Ask plenty of questions in social situations, especially with people you have just met. It shows that you are interested in others and, in turn, they will find that endearing. If you try too hard to be the center of attention, people won’t find you charming, just annoying.
Maintain Eye Contact
This is important, particularly when meeting someone for the first time. I’ve met far too many shifty-eyed fellas over the years and I can usually pick them out right away by their reluctance to look me in the eyes when they speak. The ability to make and maintain eye contact is generally a good indication of the integrity of a individual, and an even better way to let them know that you are also self-assured. But make sure you identify where the length of the gaze goes from confident to creepy.
Stay Calm
If you want to charm people you need to understand that quiet confidence is an irresistible trait. Since the key to developing charisma is the ability to make people feel comfortable, you want them to be able to let down their guard, have a good time and (often subconsciously) begin to crave your company.
Pay Attention To Your Tone of Voice
You want to find a level and timbre that engages people. It should be loud enough for those around you to hear, but not so loud that you appear to be delivering a sermon. You don’t need to say much, but when you do speak, make sure you do it in a slow, articulate and confident manner. Any politician will agree: Oratory skills are crucial to winning the audience. Gauge and Set
The Mood of The Room
The charismatic are pros at reading and responding to what any social situation needs. If you find yourself at a very dull and uncomfortable dinner party, you may want to bring a touch of levity by telling an amusing story. Be careful not to boast, and remember that self-deprecating wit is often crucial to a winsome anecdote.
So, there you have it, a seven-step guide to developing charm. You will find that if you can master these tips, you’ll have no trouble getting more of what you want, both at work and in your personal life. So fellas, work on them and remember, if you don’t clean out your toolbox from time to time, you’ll find that you have a lot of useless crap in there. Why not replace it with these pearls of audacious wisdom?
the audacious truth
at jeremy ... ait i see ur still up to it ... i like the al pacino-borrowed doctrine segment ...