Thursday, April 1, 2010

Information You Should Take To The Grave

Good Day Peoples,

I am going to discuss the importance of keeping your mouth shut and not saying more than you have to. The general rule is simple, unless you have to, don't say any more than necessary, or it will come back to bite you in the testicles.

But wait, there are times when you have to open your mouth, or you risk disrespecting someone or coming off as an arrogant prick. If someone starts acting all coy and mysterious with you when you ask him something, you should get suspicious. And when you get suspicious, somebody usually gets there ass kicked.

So yes, you can open your mouth, just make sure certain things are never said. Before I reveal the list of information you should take to your grave, let me remind you of one thing some wise old bastard said after probably having too many drinks: "A smart man never alters his state of consciousness."

It basically means don't get drunk, because if you do, you're likely to say things that will make you look like a dick head. So, be especially careful never to get yourself into a state of severe intoxication, or you might never wake up from that state if the wrong thing is said to the wrong person. Understood?

Things You Never Say In Public
I've always thought that people talk too much, i probably to have been a statistic. If it were up to me, everyone would have a zipper on their mouths that could only be opened by someone who actually wants to hear from them. That would be a piece of heaven on earth, no?

Back to reality. Here's my list of things you should keep quiet about. They aren't in order of importance because I don't have the time to put them in order. So here goes:

1. How Much Money You Make
You want to become a target? Let people know how much money you have. You'll only have your jealous colleagues poisoning that dirty water you call your morning coffee. Not only will you sound like stupid if you reveal this information, your phone number becomes the first one on speed dial every time someone needs a little extra cash.

People don't want to know how much money you earn, unless you plan on giving them some. You make 40Mil a year? So what? What do you want, a pat on the back from a made man like myself? Or a ransom note for one of your children?

Being modest never killed anyone. No one likes a showoff, especially when it comes to money. So put your wallet away, and wank.

If you want to hurt someone, do it privately...

2. Who You Want Revenge On
Who are the most successful predators in the jungle? The ones that sneak up on their prey.

You never see a lion go up to a zebra and say, "Yo, you, the national park horse. I'm going to kill you in about five minutes, so don't do anything, just stay put until I get my plan of attack together."

Your enemy must never see you coming. Opening your mouth about who you want beaten or jailed not only makes you look stupid, but you also risk being the one who ends up in the hospital or remand. Only the dumbest of dumbest idiots would reveal to anyone in public their intention of hurting someone. And by the way, the long arm of the law take these kinds of public threats
pretty seriously, so shut up.

3. Who You Hate
This is similar to No. 2, except people aren't likely to believe your revelations in scenario No. 2. You might not be so lucky when you are disrespecting others in public. People have no problem believing these pieces of information.

When you profess hatred toward another human being, people listen. They love that kind of crap, they love when people don't get along. They also love passing on that information for the right price or for kicks. So why reveal your cards?

If you have a beef with someone within your circle, you should have a sit down to air out your grievances. No one likes to "hear things," especially when those things are disrespectful and said behind their backs. Take it from me, things get around. The world is a much smaller place than you could ever imagine.

4. Crimes You've Committed
Everyone likes to show off how brilliant they are, and which scam they used to accomplish what thing. Whether it was stealing, fraud, screwing an old enemy's wife, cheating TRA, or stealing your company's staplers, why the hell would you ever tell anyone about your petty crimes?

If you committed a crime or broke the law and got away with it, count your blessings that you didn't get caught and leave it at that. Don't go on television or the radio and reveal your transgressions. You want to go jail? Then open your mouth.

So keep your tricks of the trade to yourself. They won't be your tricks for very long if everyone and their donkey knows about them.

5. Crimes Your Friends Have Committed
Too many of our younger dudes don't understand the importance of allegiance. It's what keeps you group friendship strong, your unity, your loyalty, and your silence.

Don't worry about the guilt you might feel about keeping your mouth shut about a crime you know of. Let St. Peter take care of that. Just be a good friend.

6. The Times You've Been Betrayed
If you want to look like a sap and a sorry excuse for a man, let everyone know how many women have left you, how many friends have betrayed you, and how everyone you meet manages to screw you over.

A person who has been betrayed was betrayed because he was either careless, or too trusting. Why reveal these weaknesses to others? Why give someone else the blueprint for how to take advantage of you? And how much respect can you have for someone who is weak and gets betrayed? How are you ever going to move up in life, if you can't get your shit together?

You especially don't reveal if anyone in your Family has betrayed you. If someone within your circle betrayed you, then you're probably not that important. That is one message, my friends, you don't want to broadcast your insignificance.

If you tell everyone what's bad about you, then you might as well just walk to your grave right now...

7. Your Negative Traits
You should never reveal your weaknesses (your love of the bottle, your love of gambling, your lack of negotiation skills, your lack of confidence, etc.), so you shouldn't reveal your negative traits either.

If you're an accomplished backstabber, professional liar, an arrogant prick, or a wife beater, why would you want to tell anyone? I stay away from shady characters, I don't even do business with them, so why would anyone else be any different? Why announce to the world with a megaphone the swindling guy that you are?

The same applies if you are cheating on your wife. If you are weak for a fine piece of female ass, like many guys are, don't show it in public and risk humiliating your wife. Don't confess to your wife either, it is a subject better left unspoken. Be respectful toward your family and your children.

If you have a weakness for women never let your wife or children get caught in a situation where they are embarrassed by your actions neither should you. If you can't spare your wife, put your piece back in your pants and take a cold shower.

Did You Learn Your Lesson?
This isn't rocket science. I'm not revealing the secrets of the Bible over here. Any fool off the street would know what I just told you, but people think they know it all and never actually think before they speak, so I'm forced to state the obvious.

I'm guilty of that same sin, and I have spoke too often until I learned that choosing my words carefully was more powerful than saying them.

You would be surprised how even intelligent people who tend to keep their mouths shut, at times fail monumentally. If you are a good secret keeper, don't take it for granted.

There are things in life that should go with you to your grave, your best suit and the seven things I just told you. It's so simple that you don't deserve to breathe if you screw this up.

the audacious truth


  1. hahahahaha...Amen!!...but sadly...good advice can only go so far...but its good advice all the same

  2. Its hard hitting truth. Reminds me my reading on Donald Trump.
