Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Destroy Rumours

How do you destroy rumours before they rub out your reputation and force you to wave the white flag? First off, for those who understand the notion of viral marketing, gossip helps rumours spread through the office like a virus that infects the body. By extension, it follows that the best way to destroy rumours is by nipping them in the bud before the virus spirals dangerously out of control.

Having said that, it is important to keep in mind that rumours are not necessarily destructive. For the truly skilled businessman, rumors can be harnessed and manipulated in a way that can either divert negative attention or fuel positive energy. As Malcolm Gladwell suggests in his influential book The Tipping Point, trends and attitudes can turn on a coin. In many cases, word of mouth is the catalyst that shifts public opinion, causing new trends or ideas to tip and spread virally throughout social groups, businesses or even society at large.

So that’s the theory, but let’s shift gears and focus on the vicious office rumor that threatens to eat away at your reputation like an aggressive cancer. What can you do if, for example, some nasty dude with the same experience as you applies for the promotion you covet, and then he goes and drops a few bombs in the rumour mill about, say, the fact that you got arrested on suspicions of some shit some time back? What can you do to destroy rumours, even if it happens to be true? Let’s take a look.

Evaluate the Rumor
The first thing you need to gauge is the rumour’s stage. If all you’re dealing with is some petty office gossip, forget about it. Ignore the rumour and let it fizzle naturally.

Since gossip is generally derogatory (e.g, you failed to meet your deadline because of your alcoholism or because you’re diddling the secretary), you might take a step back and look at whether your company suffers from a systematic lack of trust. In offices where gossip runs rampant, it often reflects an organizational failure to communicate. Even if some gossip is truthful, it shouldn’t be able to spread virally even if it’s the talk of the water cooler for a few days. Any organization that communicates openly also destroys the lifespan of rumors because only a few people care about them. Not only that, it’s easier to eliminate a few shit disturbers than it is to deal with a rotten core...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Keep Your Hands Clean

There was once a time when simply doing your job and keeping your mouth shut was good enough to command respect within the corporate community. However, our business culture has evolved into a competitive and politically sensitive landscape. The advent of the BlackBerry has brought about the extinction of the 9 to 5 workday, and clocking in on the weekends has become standard protocol in many organizations, trust me i know. Modern day strivers look for leadership and likability in their protégés and tend to reward out of the box thinkers. Keeping your hands clean means being an active team player. It means executing your work in the most efficient manner while keeping your clients and coworkers in your good graces. Here are a few ways to navigate the treacherous corporate waters so that you can keep your hands clean.

Befriend the Gatekeepers
There are gatekeepers within every organization. Typically, they are the secretaries and personal assistants to the top dogs. They are in constant communication with these high powered Dons, even more so than their wives, and as a result are privy to the inner workings of the ivory tower. Make an extra effort to extend the olive branch to these often mistreated and misunderstood coworkers. All it takes is a casual five minute conversation a couple times a week. If the boss is pissed and looking for an axe to grind, they may tip you off to be on your best behavior.

Don’t make the mistake of assuming that these subordinates only function to update calendars and set meetings they also serve as the eyes and ears to the ground floor of the operation, and you can safely assume that they fill their boss in on the weekly gossip. With this direct line of communication they can easily paint a picture of you as an innovative leader or the dude who keeps to himself. This is a great indirect way to keep your hands clean.

Pay attention to Detail
One of the easiest ways to keep your hands clean is to pay attention to detail. Unless you have a photographic memory, it will take more then simply listening to fully process a set of commands. Take a pen and pad with you to every meeting you attend or whenever you set foot into your boss’s office. Always be prepared to take notes there’s no telling when the boss may surprise you with a last minute order. However, before beginning any project, review the directives one more time to fully grasp the task at hand. If you still have questions, suck it up and ask the Don (when the timing is right). It’s better to take this humble approach to your work than to try to be the hero. Screwing up an assignment because you skipped over some minor factor will only add insult to injury and won’t help you keep your hands clean.

Be Aware of The Political Game
Every business revolves around a unique and delicate political structure. Although, the specifics of each office are different, many of the elements are universal. To effectively balance the different personalities at your workplace you should start by classifying the personnel into three basic categories...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Greasing The Right People Opens Doors

Good Day peoples, let's get right down to business.

Today's lesson is about "greasing" the right people. You can shove bribing and tipping into the greasing category too, in the end, it all involves greasing the wheels of life to get what you want.

What is Greasing?
When people think of greasing someone, they imagine the cliche of some trench coat-wearing guy in a back alley with a suitcase full of money. Usually that guy is paying someone off, bribing him or in some way corrupting him. That's a limited way of looking at greasing.

My definition of greasing is using any resource you have (money, favours, services) in exchange for a resource or service you need (immediately or in the future). It's an art form that's different for every person and for every resource or service of interest.

Tipping a bouncer, security guard, mechanic, or bellboy well, can grant you either immediate or future benefits. On that note, so can contributing money to a political candidate or sending money to an "associate" charity.

Need = grease

The point of greasing is to get something in return. Successfully greasing someone involves long term planning. When you want something important, you can't just throw money in people's faces and expect them to bend over. The whole point of greasing is to get an extra favor or service not available to the general public, and that involves building a relationship over time, just like trust. You have to be a stand up guy, not just an arrogant prick whose wallet is thick...

The Self-Esteem Generation - Arrogant Young People

Confidence is key and no one will deny that. A guy who feels he has nothing going for him will indeed end up with nothing. Although a poor self image is a sure way to prevent success, a dude with an abundance of esteem might not be aiding his cause either. I’ve noticed the new breed of professionals hitting the ranks all have the same disposition an overly positive self image (i tend to feel I suffer from the same). Today's employers at times have had to use a heavy hand with some of their fresh faced employees. At times as individuals we have to realize that we can turn out to be overly confident staff, and in some instances may think that we deserve more, but can’t take the time to realize that we know nothing. You need to realize that the “self-esteem generation” comes with a full sense of unwarranted arrogance and a full shopping list of problems. Here are just a few.

Falsified Destiny
Part of what drives people to success in any business, mine or yours, is the fear of failure. When I was making my bones on the low end of the totem pole, I knew I was one step from the bottom and a whole flight of stairs from the top. But the “self-esteemers” of the world, they think it’s all going to work out. In business, and in life, you never assume you’ll find your way to the top because although the cream rises, there’s a hell of a lot of crop to pass through.

Sense of Entitlement
It’s one thing to want everything, it’s another to feel you’re entitled to it. Us young, self absorbed ambitionaries don’t realize there’s work involved. “I deserve this. I deserve that.” They deserve to get put down a little. When you’re a fresh-faced kid and you’ve only read the first chapter in the novel of life, you’re not entitled to anything except a mop and a pail.

No Recognition of Mistakes
Everyone knows part of being a man is admitting when you’re wrong, but it’s tough when you think you’re always right. The influx of self esteem is clouding kids’ recognition of their mistakes. You have to know when you screwed up, and you have to learn from those instances. Got sloppy on a job? Put the decimal in the wrong place? There’s no good that comes from taking the defensive or playing the blame game. Young guys today, it’s never their fault. They’ll be pointing the finger all the way to their unemployment...

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Powers of Intimidation

All men in a position of power, whether he’s a site foreman or bouncer, need to rule with a heavy hand at some point or another. There are those who do it too often, losing the respect of their men. Others, not enough, never establishing their position among the crew. However, all of those who rule successfully know the powers of one particular psychological tool: INTIMIDATION.

You could lean into a guy, shoot them a glare, or simply walk the offices with a metal bar. However, it’s not necessarily how you convey it that’s important, just make sure that it’s conveyed. And any dude who tries to convince you otherwise, crying about the abuses of authority, is usually the one who takes the orders, the hits and the beatings in the office.

For those who want to get ahead, or for those who simply want to stay ahead, it’s necessary to understand the advantages of the powers of intimidation. And because all of my close boys deserve a leg up on the rest, I’ve chosen to enlighten you on these powers of intimidation.

Intimidation Commands Respect
Keeping a guy on edge, letting him know you’re not just some dickhead looking to roll with the punches, is important. With an intimidating demeanor, people treat you with respect. It’s natural. They’ll lose their temper with the guy serving them drinks, but they won’t raise a finger to you. However, there’s a difference between rational intimidation and being a straight hard ass. The ones who are out there cracking heads for the sake of cracking heads are trying to compensate for something. Act tough when the situation warrants it. If you need a guy to do a job, and some dude is trying to cheat you, then it’s time to roll up the sleeves.

Intimidation Brings the Best Out of Your Workers
When you call a guy into the office to do a job, whether it’s taking down some boxes or putting down a competitor, you want him to do it right. That doesn’t entail the “try your best” speech because, frankly, no one knows what their best is until they’re pushed there. So, through the powers of intimidation, when they step out of your office, you'd like to think they’ve been nudged in the right direction. You don’t threaten and you don’t yell. You explain they’ve been chosen for something they’re completely capable of doing. Then there is no excuse for failure. Couple this confidence building with the right amount of pressure to yield results. It doesn’t hurt to add in the occasional profanity as well...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Be Reliable

In my particular line of work, as in most, a combination of competence and diligence is what makes up some of the best dudes in my industry. However, none of these traits are worth a damn if that worker isn’t reliable. Dependable dudes are a dying breed these days. Guys are hitting the snooze button one too many times, are not exercising their best judgment or are getting caught up with the booze and the pussy, you can’t even rely on a ride home from the work anymore. And if you think you can go at it all alone, and the only reliable worker you need is yourself, think again. No one runs a self sustained business, no one runs a self sustained life for that matter. The guy selling meat at the butchery relies on the slaughter house for his meat, and then his wife to clean his blood stained apron. So, whether you’re working with a street vendor or a street hustler, here are a few pointers for being reliable.

Punctuality is Key
In a business like mine, five minutes can mean a lot. You tell a guy to be somewhere at noon because, well, if he isn’t, you might not have the option to wait the extra five. Punctuality stands for a lot. You might not see what the big deal is in punching in a minute or two late, but it’s worth the effort to punch in a couple of minutes early. It stands for something. It shows you have priorities, and being where you’re supposed to be is one of them. Don’t pull a Continental and arrive on your own schedule. If you can’t get somewhere on time, dude, get a better watch.

Keep Your Word
A man is only as good as his word. Once he breaks that he’ll be lucky if he gets a job at the fish market. It’s a simple rule, but time and time again, we see guys breaking it. Someone says one thing, and he does another. Frankly, you can’t trust a guy like that. The foundation for being a reliable man is being a trusted one. The words that come out of your mouth should never be put into question. Unfortunately, once you cross that line, all credibility is lost. So to avoid that free fall into the disastrous realm of deceit, remember to Keep Your Word...

The Power of Integrity

Integrity is a word that is branded about in business circles quite gratuitously. That is, everyone talks about its importance but believe very few practice what they preach. However if one looks closely at most business leaders you'll find that the majority of them do act with integrity most of the time. Thus, to get to the top, you can be ruthless but not unscrupulous; integrity is required.

What is Integrity?
In the narrow sense, the word "integrity" means sticking to a strict ethical code. What that means is that you should know what is right and what is wrong. That is that an individual should have a very clear idea of black and white with regards to the rules of business and life. The clearer you understand the ethical underpinnings of the business world, the less likely you are to find yourself in a big pile of shit resulting in a career ending situation. Knowing the boundaries well also means that your decisions will ensure you don't land yourself in shit.

Stand for Something
Each person has different values and beliefs that govern their lives, both personal and professional. As a society, we tend to embrace similar moral beliefs that allow us to govern our actions for the most part based on common rules.

As a businessman, you should have another set of guidelines to follow on top of your personal ones. If you are faced with a situation, you should know where you stand beforehand so that making decisions will be almost automatic...

For example, if you catch an otherwise honest employee making photocopies for his churches choir, would you reprimand him? He is, after all, stealing from the company. On the other hand, he is a solid employee who works hard for the company... so what are a few pieces of paper and ink?

Not all situations are obvious learn to stick to your guns. Granted, some cases are not as obvious as others. What should you do if your colleagues are engaging in unethical activities at the company? If what they are doing is also illegal then the course of action is quite simple. However, if what they are doing is not necessarily illegal, but is definitely sketchy in the moral sense, should you take action?

I think one needs to act fast to rectify any small problems before they have time to become bigger problems. Also, keep in mind that not acting may also "taint" you down the line, even if your actions have been noble.

Stick to Your Guns
One of the important points I'm trying to get across is that having integrity in your business dealings will keep you on the right track. Integrity acts as a moral compass that will help you make the tough calls and come out on top of the game when the dust settles after the storm. If you had your hand in the cookie jar as well, then when the storm passes, you will face the music too. If you carried yourself with integrity and did the moral thing, then you can be sure that the facts will come out and you will not be tainted.

Thus, know what you stand for. Know what you can and cannot do and stick to your guns. If someone or some organization tries to bend you and make you do things you feel are unethical, then stand up and fight. Don't break your code of ethics because ultimately, in our society, everything boils down to the individual. And the individual will be held responsible for his actions, regardless of whether they were carried out for himself or for the organization.

The Road Less Traveled
On an endnote, keep in mind that doing the right thing usually does not mean doing the easy thing. Being able to stand your ground and do what's right ultimately separates the men from the boys.

Doing business with integrity will allow you to cement long term relationships, and earn the respect of your peers business partners and industry at large. It will help you build a strong reputation and people will want to do business with your again and again.

Thus, acting with integrity may not line your pockets solidly in the short run, but the rewards will be well worth the effort over the long haul.

the audacious truth

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Money & Friends Don't Mix

"A ready way to lose your friend is to lend him money. Another equally ready way to lose him is to refuse to lend him money. It is six of one and a half dozen of the other."
George Jean Nathan

I came across this quote and this shit couldn't have been said more precisely. It goes without saying that friends and money don't go hand in hand. I don't care how chummy you are, how close you are or how many chicks you've shared with a friend when it comes to money, friendships are always put aside and ego comes into play. When you're talking about money or a favor with some kind of financial value, it never ends well. They say a favor will kill you faster than a bullet. "They" are right.

It happens all over the place. Two gentlemen, two friends, two partners, godfathers to each other's children, turn from blood brothers to deadly enemies. Why? Because one guy had money that belonged to the other, whether it was loaned or part of a business deal.

Even if you have old ties or years of friendship under your belt, it's all forgotten and disregarded when one guy feels he's getting a raw deal. When it comes to the cheese/dough/universal lubricant, the rules among friends get suspended on a meat hook.

So, let's take a look at two scenarios that could destroy a friendship when you mix money and friends.

You lend your friend money

Yes, the quickest way to lose a friend is by lending him money. People rarely keep their word. I have little faith in human nature and, as a result, I operate accordingly. Even among crooks, I've learnt not to rarely trust anyone, even someone who would take a bullet for me.

I've learned that lending money to a "friend" results in one of two outcomes:

Outcome No. 1: You come to realize that you are actually gifting money to a friend instead of lending it, because he doesn't have any intention of paying you back and you are not willing to go the distance to get it back. In this outcome, you come out holding nothing more than your testicles...

Outcome No. 2: You get your money and lose your friend, because through a combination of nagging, harassment and threatening, you made the lowlife actually return to you what was rightfully yours, but at the expense of calling him a bitch or fucking anus. You're holding your cash (and your testicles), but you've just lost a friend who doesn't understand why you're mad at him. On the other hand, this is the same friend who backed out of a promise and an understanding you had with him, so how valuable a friend is he in the first place?

You say no. If you're a pathetic pushover who can't help but help people who have no self-control, here's some advice:

Make sure any amount you "lend" is an amount you are willing to write off as a loss. Call it your personal stupidity tax. Never lend over that comfort level (assuming you are not man enough to say "no" in the first place).

Get security. He'll say "Come on." You'll say: "Fine, I won't give you anything then. Why should you get something that is mine and I don't get anything of value that's yours?" Get something of greater value than what you are lending him. You gave him five grand? Get his Rolex worth eight grand. Otherwise, he might just write off the money he owes you because you get to keep something of lesser value...