How do you destroy rumours before they rub out your reputation and force you to wave the white flag? First off, for those who understand the notion of viral marketing, gossip helps rumours spread through the office like a virus that infects the body. By extension, it follows that the best way to destroy rumours is by nipping them in the bud before the virus spirals dangerously out of control.
Having said that, it is important to keep in mind that rumours are not necessarily destructive. For the truly skilled businessman, rumors can be harnessed and manipulated in a way that can either divert negative attention or fuel positive energy. As Malcolm Gladwell suggests in his influential book The Tipping Point, trends and attitudes can turn on a coin. In many cases, word of mouth is the catalyst that shifts public opinion, causing new trends or ideas to tip and spread virally throughout social groups, businesses or even society at large.
So that’s the theory, but let’s shift gears and focus on the vicious office rumor that threatens to eat away at your reputation like an aggressive cancer. What can you do if, for example, some nasty dude with the same experience as you applies for the promotion you covet, and then he goes and drops a few bombs in the rumour mill about, say, the fact that you got arrested on suspicions of some shit some time back? What can you do to destroy rumours, even if it happens to be true? Let’s take a look.
Evaluate the Rumor
The first thing you need to gauge is the rumour’s stage. If all you’re dealing with is some petty office gossip, forget about it. Ignore the rumour and let it fizzle naturally.
Since gossip is generally derogatory (e.g, you failed to meet your deadline because of your alcoholism or because you’re diddling the secretary), you might take a step back and look at whether your company suffers from a systematic lack of trust. In offices where gossip runs rampant, it often reflects an organizational failure to communicate. Even if some gossip is truthful, it shouldn’t be able to spread virally even if it’s the talk of the water cooler for a few days. Any organization that communicates openly also destroys the lifespan of rumors because only a few people care about them. Not only that, it’s easier to eliminate a few shit disturbers than it is to deal with a rotten core...